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The snackbar function provides a simple method to utilize the <mdui-snackbar> component without the need to write HTML code.


Import the function:

import { snackbar } from 'mdui/functions/snackbar.js';


<mdui-button class="example-button">open</mdui-button>

<script type="module">
  import { snackbar } from "mdui/functions/snackbar.js";

  const button = document.querySelector(".example-button");

  button.addEventListener("click", () => {
      message: "Photo archived",
      action: "Undo",
      onActionClick: () => console.log("click action button")


snackbar(options: Options): Snackbar

The snackbar function accepts an Options object as its parameter and returns an instance of the <mdui-snackbar> component.


Property Type Default
message string -
The text to display in the snackbar.
placement 'top' | 'top-start' | 'top-end' | 'bottom' | 'bottom-start' | 'bottom-end' bottom

The position of the snackbar. The default is bottom. Options include:

  • top: Top, center-aligned.
  • top-start: Top, left-aligned.
  • top-end: Top, right-aligned.
  • bottom: Bottom, center-aligned.
  • bottom-start: Bottom, left-aligned.
  • bottom-end: Bottom, right-aligned.
action string -
The text for the action button.
closeable boolean false
Whether a close button is displayed on the right side.
messageLine 1 | 2 -

Sets the maximum number of lines for the message text. The default is unlimited. Options include:

  • 1: Single line.
  • 2: Two lines.
autoCloseDelay number 5000
The delay in milliseconds before the snackbar automatically closes. Set to 0 to disable auto-close. The default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
closeOnOutsideClick boolean false
Whether the snackbar should close on outside clicks or touches.
queue string -

The queue name.

By default, the queue is not enabled. If this function is called multiple times, multiple snackbars will be displayed simultaneously.

If a queue name is provided, snackbars with the same queue name will open sequentially, each after the previous one closes.

onClick (snackbar: Snackbar) => void -

Callback invoked when the snackbar is clicked.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

onActionClick (snackbar: Snackbar) => void | boolean | Promise<void> -

Callback invoked when the action button is clicked.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

By default, the snackbar closes when the action button is clicked. Return false to prevent this. If a promise is returned, the snackbar closes once the promise resolves.

onOpen (snackbar: Snackbar) => void -

Callback invoked when the snackbar starts to open.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

onOpened (snackbar: Snackbar) => void -

Callback invoked when the snackbar opening animation completes.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

onClose (snackbar: Snackbar) => void -

Callback invoked when the snackbar starts to close.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

onClosed (snackbar: Snackbar) => void -

Callback invoked when the snackbar closing animation completes.

The snackbar instance is passed as a parameter and is also the context of this.

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