Material Design What’s new

What’s new

September 2017

New sections

  • Offline states describes how to customize apps for users without internet access

Updates for Android O

Previous updates Expand and collapse content An arrow that points down when collapsed and points up when expanded.

April 2017

Significant updates

December 2016

New sections

  • Platforms discusses when and how to adapt apps to Material Design, and when to adhere to platform conventions.
  • App shortcut icons contains specs on how to create app shortcut icons for the home screen.
  • Help and feedback describes how to indicate, craft, and place help content.

Significant updates

  • Bidirectionality has updated guidance on mirroring UI content and icons in right-to-left (RTL) languages.
  • Accessibility contains new guidance on sound, controls, labeling elements, and testing.
  • Selection includes detailed examples on item selection, toggling, and styling.

August 2016

New sections

  • Notifications have been revised for Android N, including new content areas, interactions, user controls, and short text input.
  • Widgets contains guidance on user engagement, retention, and acquisition.
  • Confirmation and acknowledgement covers when and how to acknowledge user actions.

Significant updates

  • Navigation now includes details on how to use the Up and Back buttons as part of your navigation strategy.
  • Using full-screen mode for Lean Back, Immersive mode, and Lights out interactions.

May 2016

New sections

  • Motion includes detailed examples and specs on material motion principles, duration and easing, transformations, choreography, and customization.
  • Growth & communications contains guidance on user engagement, retention, and acquisition.
  • Expansion panels guidance describes lightweight containers used for creating flows and editing content.

March 2016

New sections

Significant updates

February 2016

Significant updates

December 2015

Significant updates

  • Responsive UI includes a pattern on positioning and more examples of responsive patterns.
  • Text fields adds guidance on required text fields.
  • Whiteframes have been added for Sketch.
  • Punctuation has new guidance on en dashes and parentheses.

October 2015

New sections

  • Steppers describes how different types of steppers convey progress through numbered steps.

Significant updates

  • Chips adds guidance on chip movement and deletion.
  • Notifications includes formatting guidance for timestamps.

September 2015

Significant updates

  • Navigation adds guidance on navigation hierarchy and structure, new navigation patterns, and combined navigation patterns.
  • UI color application describes how transparent text maintains legibility against different background colors.
  • Buttons contains guidance on toggle buttons and flat button behaviors.
  • Tabs includes guidance on text sizing in tabs.

August 2015

New sections

  • Permissions contains guidance on permissions groups, runtime permissions, request patterns, and how to address permissions when they are denied.

Significant updates

  • Bottom sheets includes descriptions of persistent and modal bottom sheets, alternative display options, and desktop and tablet display using increments.
  • Settings includes a usage overview.

July 2015

New sections

  • Notifications contains guidance for tailoring notifications to users, including peeking notifications.
  • Fingerprint contains guidance on implementing Fingerprint as an authentication option.

Significant updates

  • Cards includes more image examples of card UI controls, sliders, and tabs.
  • Launch screens includes guidance for implementing placeholder UIs.
  • Settings includes additional guidance for labels and secondary text.

May 2015

New sections

Significant updates

April 2015

New sections

Significant updates

  • Typography adds further guidance on style and line height for dense and tall languages.
  • Cards includes more specs for laying out actions and content.
  • Dialogs contains additional layout guidance.
  • Tabs adds guidance around label content and more complete sizing specs.
  • Scrolling techniques adds guidance for overlapping content.